After Critique Video



Critical Thoughts:


  1. Briefly discuss the successful elements of your work (both in form and content). What parts are working well? (You can base these thoughts on the feedback received at the critique)


I think the successful parts of my project was my overall message and my content of videos that I used to display that. I think I gathered the right videos that helped my message get across that we all have failures and hard times in life but we have to gather the motivation inside of us and we can accomplish anything. I feel like the effects I chose really brought my idea across too, like the blur effect, black and white images, fading in and out, and warping.


  1. Briefly discuss the elements that could be better in your work. List the things you need to improve/fix/change/work on to improve the work? (You can base these thoughts on the feedback received at the critique)


Overall there are still areas that I think I could improve on. I know during the critique I was told it would be a good idea to add more chaos and struggle, which I feel like I did do that I tried my best to add more of that at the beginning where I wanted to show the struggle, but I know there can always be more. The yellow line scenes I was told I could take out, but I kept them because I thought it added to the chaos, but I feel like I could have done more with them to make them blend a little better. I also tried to add more of the boy surfing scene through out the video by placing the scene where he is actually surfing a little later on in the video when it starts showing the successes, but I think with this it would have been cool if I could have found a way to add the little boy somehow from the beginning to the end of the video showing his progress, but right now there just wasn’t enough footage of him to do that.

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